Empower 20 million Africans to sustainably provide for themselves by 2032.

Photo Essay

Faces that tell stories


“I am one of the privileged ones who get to travel across our beautiful continent of Africa. I count myself incredibly lucky to see its beauty. The scenic landscapes — from lush green forests and plains to deserts — are all so visually inspiring.

But, I can promise you from first-hand experience, it is the people that make this continent unique. Each time I get to travel to one of our programme countries, I am most excited about meeting new, amazing people and seeing all the beautiful faces; faces that tell stories…

The strength behind the eyes of mothers, the smiles and laughter of a child, the pride held in a community elder’s wrinkles… These are the sights that inspire me to do what I do.

We always receive warm greetings from the communities we visit and I love seeing how they grow into their own strength. I believe in this continent because I believe in its people.” — Sulette Theron, ForAfrika Chief Photographer

In this photo essay, Sulette gives a glimpse of what we see in our programmes each day.

Strength in the eyes of mothers

“We often see how women throughout Africa are the linchpins of the household and community — no matter how difficult circumstances are.”

Laughter is the best medicine

“As my friend Claus Obermeyer said, ‘Africa has the largest concentration of smiles’. Being surrounded by these beautiful smiles will make anyone's day.”

Power of community

“We see how people share their property, skills and time to ensure they make a difference to the lives of those in their communities.”

Pride of place

“The elders in communities have a lot of wisdom and pride in their people’s achievements. For many, this is enough to fuel their happiness.”